Friday 15 May 2009

Leaving on a jet plane

So today is the day. I've told you all that I love you. If you don't already know how much I'm going to miss you, then you need to stop doing crack and pay attention.

I'll be flying out at 22.05 (that's military time) tonight. I'll be arriving in Kuala Lumpur at approx 20.00 tomorrow, where I anticipate being greeted by a screaming Kate and slightly calmer Angie.

I've never been more ready. I've never been more scared. I've never faced a future that seemed so impossible to catch a glimpse of. And I've never been less sure of the me who will be coming home again.

We already have plans for Borneo next week to see the orangutans. Kate and Ang may have to fight the 'gutans to get me back again, as I anticipate they'll recognise me as a close relation, and hey, us gingers have to stick together, right?

I'll write as soon as I can. Thanks to everyone who took time (some of you, many times) to see me this week, and thanks to everyone who came along to my leaving dos, sent cards, gave presents, sent texts and generally shared the love. A big, big, big thanks to those of you who saw me through the madder moments with patience and understanding.

I should do this more often.........

Hugs, kisses and so much love through the ether. It's that time.........


  1. but u no how much i love crack!!!!! ill save u sum for wen u get bk, lol, love u and gona miss u!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! now i only have my blog to tell my crazy adventures to, lol, u shud be ashamed of leaving me alone in this hell hole called pompey, lol xoxo

  2. Good luck Sarah. Stay safe, wear sun screen, not that I need to tell you.

    Lots of good wishes and love.


  3. That is one funky header you have going on there.

